Cumann Seandalaiochta agus Staire Phort Lairge

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ardmore, Lismore and Waterford: a tale of three competing medieval churches by Dr Edel Bhreathnach 31/05/24

The Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society 2023 – 2024 lecture series concludes at 8 pm on Friday, May 31st in St. Patrick’s Gateway Centre, Waterford (Eircode X91 YX61) when medieval historian Dr Edel Bhreathnach, will deliver a talk titled Ardmore, Lismore and Waterford: a tale of three competing medieval churches.


Ardmore and Lismore were among some of the earliest churches to flourish in a newly-converted Ireland during the sixth century. They became well-known due to the renown of their saints, eminent individuals associated with them, and texts emanating from them and from churches in their spheres of influence. Waterford and its main church developed at a later period, mainly due to the increasing influence and wealth of its Hiberno-Norse settlement. During the late eleventh and throughout twelfth century, all three churches, especially Lismore and Waterford, attracted in turn the attention of the provincial kings of Munster and claimants to the kingship of Ireland, clerics instituting a transformation of the church in Ireland, and by the thirteenth century ambitious Anglo-Norman bishops and lords. This lecture will examine the origins and development of each church, the rivalry between them, and what became of them post-1200AD.

Edel Bhreathnach is a medieval historian with a particular interest in interdisciplinary studies that connect archaeology, history and literature. She was CEO of The Discovery Programme: Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland (2013-9) and is a former Visiting Fellow to All Souls College Oxford (2016). She has worked on large-scale projects relating to Tara, Co. Meath, on the history of the Franciscans in Ireland, and on monasticism in Ireland from the tenth to the thirteenth century. She has published widely on these subjects including 'Ireland in the medieval world 400-1000AD: landscape, kingship and religion' (Four Courts Press, 2014). Her volume 'Monasticism in Ireland, AD900-1250' will be published in 2024 (Four Courts Press).

********************* SUMMER OUTINGS **********************

Details of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society’s full programme of summer outings will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Our first outing will be on Thurs. June 13th at 7 pm when we’ll explore the heritage of Glenville and Maypark. We’ll meet at the Glenville Centre carpark (adjacent to Eircode X91 R7YV)

🚢Save The Date🚢

On Sunday June 30th we plan to take a day trip on the Barrow Princess to New Ross. We will depart from the quay in Waterford in the morning, sail along the Suir and Barrow with commentary from invited speakers, including Mary Breen and Andrew Doherty. Drinks and snacks will be available on board the Barrow Princess. Following arrival in New Ross we’ll have a walking tour along the historic quays led by Myles Courtney. We’ll return to Waterford by coach. 

Further details and costs will be announced shortly.

********************* HERITAGE WEEK 2024 **********************

The theme of National Heritage Week (17 – 25 August) this year is 

Connections, Routes and Networks. 

The Society plans to organise an evening event with short talks by members on Friday, 23rd August at 6pm. Please speak with a committee member or email if you are interested in contributing.

****************** 2024 – 2025 LECTURE SERIES*******************

The Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society’s 2024 – 2025 lecture series commences in September in St Patrick’s Gateway Centre

with Dr Marcus de la Poer Beresford : From Napoleon to the Nazis. The 

Mysterious Story of Marshal Beresford’s Silver

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The Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, Ireland.
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